Gross Margin Analysis of Using Neem Seed Extract to Control Cowpea Pest at Bida-Nigeria


Investigations were carried out to evaluate the profitability of an alternative method of pest control - neem seed extract (NSE) at Bida (9.06N and 5.59E) during the 1994 and 1995 cropping seasons. The results obtained were compared with the performance of a conventional agrochemical-nuvacron. Results obtained show that there were significant difference between the yields obtained from the two control methods at 5% level of significance. Also 3.33% w/v of NSE and 0.2% v/v of nuvacron gave best yields of 712.60 kg/ha and 1165 kg/ha respectively. These results translate to gross margin of N10,993.19 and N19,637.99 respectively. It is recommended that each farm family should own at least one neem tree.

Maiden National Engineering Conference held at the Feder­al Polytechnic, Bauchi form 17th to 19th April
Job Nmadu
Professor of Agricultural Economics and Dean, School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology

Research interests are economic efficiencies of small scale farming and welfare effects of agricultural interventions.
