Analysis of food crops farmers' choice of climate change adaptation strategies in Kwara State, Nigeria


Agriculture is one of the sectors most affected by ongoing climate change and as a result, farmers are using various adaptation strategies to cope with the impact of climate change in order to increase productivity. This study investigated the factors influencing the choice of a particular adaptation strategy by cassava and yam farmers in Kwara State, Nigeria. Primary data used for the study were obtained using a multi stage sampling technique. A structured questionnaire was administered to a sample of 150 randomly selected cassava and yam farmers in 12 villages in the study area. Descriptive statistics, a logit model, and the STATA computer program were used to analyze the data. The results showed that farmers have adopted diverse strategies such as changing planting dates, planting early maturing varieties and drought-tolerant varieties to deal with the impact of climate change. The results of the binary logit analysis showed that age of household head, household size, level of formal education, farm size, amount of rainfall, length of rainy season, awareness of climate change, member of farmers association, access to weather information, access to credit facilities, and number of strategies used, influenced the choice of at least two adaptation strategies. The study, therefore, recommended that government policies should be geared toward creating revenue-generating channels, strengthening the institutions that provide access to farm credit, making improved seed readily available, and providing extension services.

Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences. 40:434–439



adaptation strategies cassava farmers climate change logit regression yam farmers