Linear model and Transformations


The linear model still remains a reference point towards advanced modeling of some datasets as foundation for Machine Learning, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in spite of some of her weaknesses. The major task in modeling is to compare various models before a selection is made for one or for advanced modeling. Often, some trial and error methods are used to decide which model to select. This is where this function is unique. It helps to estimate 14 different linear models and provide their coefficients in a formatted Table for quick comparison so that time and energy are saved. The interesting thing about this function is the simplicity, and it is a one line code. The different transformations are:

  • Linear model

  • Linear model with interactions

  • Semilog model

  • Growth model

  • Double Log model

  • Mixed-power model

  • Translog model

  • Quadratic model

  • Cubic model

  • Inverse of y model

  • Inverse of x model

  • Inverse of y & x model

  • Square root model

  • Cubic root model

In this blog, I share with you a function Linearsystems from Dyn4cast package which you can use in a very easy way to perform linear regression and or its various transformations. It is a one line code and easy to use. The usage is as follows:

Linearsystems(y, x, mod, limit, Test = NA)

y is the vector of the dependent variable.

x is the vector of the independent variables preferable in data.frame.

mod is the group of linear models to be estimated. It takes value from 0 to 6. 0 = EDA (correlation, summary tables, Visuals means); 1 = Linear systems, 2 = power models, 3 = polynomial models, 4 = root models, 5 = inverse models, 6 = all the 14 models.

limit is the number of variables to be included in the coefficients plots.

Test is the test data to be used to predict y. If not supplied, the fitted y is used hence may be identical with the fitted value.

With this one line of codes, in addition to the individual estimated models, the following are what you get:

Visual means of the numeric variable

Correlation plot

Significant plots of all the models estimated

Model Table

Machine Learning Metrics which is also a list of 47 performance and diagnostic statistic

Table of Marginal effects

Fitted plots long format

Fitted plots wide format

Prediction plots long format

Prediction plots wide format

Naive effects plots long format

Naive effects plots wide format

Summary of numeric variables

Summary of character variables

Let us dive into an awesome experience in machine learning!

Load library


Estimate without test data

y <- linearsystems$MKTcost
x <- select(linearsystems, -MKTcost)
Model1 <- Linearsystems(y, x, 6, 15)

Correlation matrix

Model1$`Correlation plot`$plot()

Model Table

Model1$`Model Table`
Linear Cobb Douglas Linlog Loglin  Reciprocal in X Reciprocal in Y Double reciprocal Quadratic Square root Cubic root Cubic Mixed-power Translog Linear with interaction
(Intercept) 1182.609 3.794** 13.073* 9.572*** −0.935 −0.291 1.496 10.051** 12.979 14.920 7.998 12.093 −914.830 178869.456
(3733.003) (1.278) (4.964) (2.514) (2.459) (0.289) (1.129) (3.638) (12.254) (18.472) (12.105) (16.289) (1845.357) (124754.685)
Age −26.698 −0.446 −1.729 −0.042 7.921 0.005 −3.596 −0.043 −0.035 −0.036 0.088 −0.037 261.741 −5430.850
(39.822) (0.284) (1.103) (0.027) (5.593) (0.003) (2.568) (0.150) (0.285) (0.214) (0.811) (0.146) (516.542) (3483.580)
Experience 15.358 −0.021 −0.074 0.000 0.205 0.000 −0.094 −0.039 0.168 0.128 −0.247 0.099 672.779 −13992.660
(119.313) (0.244) (0.950) (0.080) (1.228) (0.009) (0.564) (0.368) (0.589) (0.433) (0.985) (0.316) (798.885) (16252.545)
Years spent in formal education 217.766 −0.157 −0.201 0.031 2.118 0.002 −1.040 −0.674 1.287 0.964 −1.384 0.699 349.387 −15364.578
(196.683) (0.436) (1.693) (0.132) (2.493) (0.015) (1.144) (0.631) (1.013) (0.750) (2.634) (0.541) (740.038) (11710.394)
Household size 317.218** 0.269 1.423+ 0.150+ −0.930 −0.010 0.375 0.015 0.274 0.235 0.728 0.207 338.839 −18999.563
(115.742) (0.196) (0.762) (0.078) (0.877) (0.009) (0.403) (0.357) (0.672) (0.504) (1.544) (0.379) (762.332) (12326.813)
Years as a cooperative member −52.901 −0.077 −0.272 −0.025 0.239 0.004 −0.112 −0.137 0.176 0.119 −0.435 0.083 50.240 −16929.904
(130.234) (0.247) (0.960) (0.088) (1.183) (0.010) (0.543) (0.357) (0.602) (0.448) (1.183) (0.332) (849.055) (17391.449)
Marital statusMarried 1842.879 −0.247 −0.589 −0.555 −0.130 0.135 0.064 −0.225 −0.137 −0.137 −0.176 −0.133 0.105 −2815.028
(1715.980) (0.277) (1.075) (1.156) (0.134) (0.133) (0.062) (1.290) (1.312) (1.314) (1.420) (1.314) (0.327) (3232.693)
Marital statusSingle 4142.944 0.153 1.932 0.396 0.570 0.122 −0.209 0.117 −0.396 −0.851 2.167 −0.081 0.666 4127.110
(2619.350) (0.552) (2.144) (1.764) (0.748) (0.203) (0.343) (2.101) (5.621) (8.373) (4.340) (4.742) (2.819) (6366.084)
Marital statusWidowed 2168.175 −0.025 0.238 0.217 −0.015 0.039 0.012 0.459 0.545 0.543 0.470 0.548 0.145 −1061.522
(1560.281) (0.262) (1.016) (1.051) (0.133) (0.121) (0.061) (1.185) (1.178) (1.175) (1.277) (1.174) (0.287) (3056.615)
Main OccupationMarketing of Agricultural produce 696.759 −0.089 −0.279 −0.194 −0.059 0.032 0.028 −0.163 −0.163 −0.162 −0.132 −0.162 −0.029 871.619
(988.961) (0.172) (0.667) (0.666) (0.089) (0.077) (0.041) (0.686) (0.684) (0.684) (0.711) (0.684) (0.125) (1136.352)
Main OccupationSale of provision 974.225 0.010 0.150 0.182 −0.001 0.002 0.002 0.158 0.210 0.217 0.295 0.221 0.039 705.656
(1227.830) (0.214) (0.832) (0.827) (0.112) (0.095) (0.052) (0.871) (0.862) (0.861) (0.946) (0.861) (0.170) (1546.785)
Level of educationNon-formal −4535.272 −0.045 −1.255 −2.159 1.732 0.178 −0.859 2.457 13.394 20.708 4.919 12.420 1.798 −7893.322
(3088.096) (1.182) (4.591) (2.080) (2.312) (0.239) (1.061) (4.227) (12.301) (17.922) (10.034) (11.352) (4.440) (9121.469)
Level of educationPrimary −1891.589 0.094 −0.460 −1.164 1.748 0.102 −0.862 2.917 13.843 21.153 5.386 12.866 1.871 −4970.197
(1948.345) (0.964) (3.744) (1.312) (2.202) (0.151) (1.011) (3.489) (11.776) (17.436) (9.624) (10.828) (4.372) (8139.493)
Level of educationSecondary −4243.879 0.336 0.018 −0.927 1.943 −0.004 −0.958 3.913 14.780 22.087 6.378 13.791 2.017 −7558.975
(2878.842) (1.175) (4.566) (1.939) (2.317) (0.223) (1.064) (4.360) (12.447) (18.071) (9.725) (11.481) (4.474) (9144.744)
Level of educationTertiary −5416.211 0.325 −0.166 −1.233 1.950 0.006 −0.963 3.383 14.186 21.490 5.702 13.189 1.937 −9340.187
(3356.079) (1.248) (4.849) (2.261) (2.345) (0.260) (1.077) (4.393) (12.329) (17.932) (9.464) (11.364) (4.432) (9561.933)
IAge 0.000 −0.049 −0.098 −0.003 −0.048 −0.174
(0.002) (3.637) (7.544) (0.020) (5.969) (1.124)
IExperience 0.003 −0.975 −1.578 0.022 −0.932 0.881
(0.015) (3.916) (6.370) (0.085) (3.676) (1.112)
IYears spent in formal education 0.027 −8.762 −14.761 0.088 −8.700 0.409
(0.024) (7.050) (11.744) (0.227) (6.884) (0.677)
IHousehold size 0.006 −0.793 −1.200 −0.069 −0.644 −0.134
(0.018) (3.992) (6.394) (0.164) (3.638) (0.571)
IYears as a cooperative member 0.006 −1.194 −1.801 0.035 −1.017 1.074
(0.015) (3.870) (6.291) (0.109) (3.629) (1.178)
ICAge 0.000
ICExperience −0.001
ICYears spent in formal education −0.002
ICHousehold size 0.002
ICYears as a cooperative member −0.001
Age × Experience −187.488 413.060
(222.702) (421.287)
Age × Years spent in formal education −99.604 487.222
(208.652) (333.733)
Experience × Years spent in formal education −260.899 1263.591
(316.027) (1423.802)
Age × Household size −97.341 626.189+
(213.777) (326.989)
Experience × Household size −256.864 1524.101
(321.486) (1450.023)
Years spent in formal education × Household size −129.986 1885.469
(307.538) (1237.124)
Age × Years as a cooperative member −20.388 567.013
(237.791) (470.536)
Experience × Years as a cooperative member −146.606 1314.591
(322.411) (1078.651)
Years spent in formal education × Years as a cooperative member −19.775 1402.282
(339.431) (1512.580)
Household size × Years as a cooperative member −9.780 1598.233
(349.012) (1616.021)
Age × Experience × Years spent in formal education 72.621 −38.214
(88.449) (38.386)
Age × Experience × Household size 71.786 −45.862
(89.607) (36.700)
Age × Years spent in formal education × Household size 37.224 −59.358+
(86.574) (35.423)
Experience × Years spent in formal education × Household size 99.695 −141.079
(127.942) (135.348)
Age × Experience × Years as a cooperative member 41.773 −41.293
(90.451) (29.463)
Age × Years spent in formal education × Years as a cooperative member 7.558 −45.465
(95.569) (43.009)
Experience × Years spent in formal education × Years as a cooperative member 56.856 −106.971
(128.179) (96.548)
Age × Household size × Years as a cooperative member 5.684 −57.279
(97.274) (41.653)
Experience × Household size × Years as a cooperative member 53.271 −124.988
(130.612) (94.861)
Years spent in formal education × Household size × Years as a cooperative member 3.965 −148.608
(139.964) (139.454)
Age × Experience × Years spent in formal education × Household size −27.844 4.331
(35.809) (3.616)
Age × Experience × Years spent in formal education × Years as a cooperative member −16.311 3.364
(36.096) (2.695)
Age × Experience × Household size × Years as a cooperative member −15.558 4.083
(36.514) (2.543)
Age × Years spent in formal education × Household size × Years as a cooperative member −2.115 5.009
(39.255) (3.834)
Experience × Years spent in formal education × Household size × Years as a cooperative member −21.016 10.938
(51.999) (8.733)
Age × Experience × Years spent in formal education × Household size × Years as a cooperative member 6.104 −0.356
(14.611) (0.241)
Num.Obs. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
R2 0.269 0.134 0.139 0.144 0.136 0.144 0.141 0.166 0.168 0.168 0.173 0.168 0.248 0.471
R2 Adj. 0.149 −0.008 −0.003 0.003 −0.006 0.003 −0.001 −0.032 −0.030 −0.030 −0.092 −0.030 −0.379 0.112
AIC 1867.6 136.2 407.6 407.0 6.6 −25.8 −149.1 414.4 414.2 414.2 423.6 414.2 54.8 1887.3
BIC 1909.3 177.9 449.3 448.7 48.3 15.9 −107.4 469.1 468.9 468.9 491.3 468.9 177.2 1996.7
Log.Lik. −917.806 −52.086 −187.788 −187.515 12.708 28.878 90.564 −186.183 −186.107 −186.112 −185.782 −186.105 19.615 −901.648
F 2.235 0.941 0.982 1.021 0.959 1.018 0.996 0.841 0.848 0.848 0.654 0.849 0.395
RMSE 2342.84 0.41 1.58 1.58 0.21 0.18 0.10 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.55 1.56 0.20 1993.28
+ p < 0.1, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

Significant plot

Individual model has one

Model1$`Significant plot of Double Log`

Fitted estimates

Model1$`Fitted plots wide format`

Marginal effects

Model1$`Tables of marginal effects`[[1]]
Linear Linear with interaction
Age dY/dX −26.698 −81.589
(39.826) (3168.661)
Experience dY/dX 15.358 −2.022
(119.309) (1773.827)
Household size dY/dX 317.218*** 429.647***
(0.041) (0.998)
Level of education Non-formal - Illiterate −4535.272 −7893.322***
Level of education Primary - Illiterate −1891.589 −4970.197***
Level of education Secondary - Illiterate −4243.879 −7558.975***
Level of education Tertiary - Illiterate −5416.211 −9340.187***
Main Occupation Marketing of Agricultural produce - Civil Servant 696.759 871.619***
Main Occupation Sale of provision - Civil Servant 974.225 705.656***
Marital status Married - Divorced 1842.879*** −2815.028***
(0.000) (0.001)
Marital status Single - Divorced 4142.944 4127.110***
Marital status Widowed - Divorced 2168.175 −1061.522***
Years as a cooperative member dY/dX −52.901*** −32.928***
(0.019) (0.439)
Years spent in formal education dY/dX 217.766*** 263.233***
(0.054) (1.064)
Num.Obs. 100 100
R2 0.269 0.471
R2 Adj. 0.149 0.112
AIC 1867.6 1887.3
BIC 1909.3 1996.7
Log.Lik. −917.806 −901.648
F 2.235
RMSE 2342.84 1993.28
+ p < 0.1, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

Naive effects

Model1$`Naive effects plots long format`

Estimation with test data

x <- sampling[, -1]
y <- sampling$qOutput
Data <- cbind(y, x)
sampling <- sample(1:nrow(Data), 0.8 * nrow(Data)) # 80% of data is sampled for training the model
train <- Data[sampling, ]
Test <- Data[-sampling, ] # 20% of data is reserved for testing (predicting) the model
y <- train$y
x <- train[, -1]
mod <- 4
Model2 <- Linearsystems(y, x, 4, 15, Test)
Model2$`Model Table`
Linear Square root Cubic root
(Intercept) −260.945** 7.664*** 6.490***
(96.670) (0.475) (0.670)
qLabor −84.260 1.453 0.421
(73.512) (1.015) (0.759)
land 25.807*** −0.048*** −0.039***
(1.555) (0.008) (0.006)
qVarInput 1.220*** 0.003 0.003+
(0.075) (0.002) (0.001)
time 20.992*** −0.006* 0.001
(1.436) (0.002) (0.002)
IqLabor −3.778 −2.034
(2.410) (2.851)
Iland 0.753*** 1.726***
(0.080) (0.159)
IqVarInput −0.108 −0.436
(0.091) (0.306)
Itime 0.126*** 0.179***
(0.008) (0.014)
Num.Obs. 160 160 160
R2 1.000 1.000 1.000
R2 Adj. 1.000 1.000 1.000
AIC 1127.7 −1130.2 −1127.6
BIC 1146.2 −1099.5 −1096.9
Log.Lik. −557.874 575.109 573.808
F 5059140.593 157990.105 155442.975
RMSE 7.91 0.01 0.01
+ p < 0.1, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

Model Table

Model2$`Table of Marginal effects`
Linear Square root Cubic root
land 25.807*** −0.048*** −0.039***
(1.555) (0.008) (0.006)
qLabor −84.260 1.453 0.421
(73.495) (1.015) (0.759)
qVarInput 1.220*** 0.003 0.003+
(0.075) (0.002) (0.001)
time 20.992*** −0.006** 0.001
(1.436) (0.002) (0.002)
Iland 0.753*** 1.726***
(0.080) (0.159)
IqLabor −3.778 −2.034
(2.410) (2.850)
IqVarInput −0.108 −0.436
(0.091) (0.306)
Itime 0.126*** 0.179***
(0.008) (0.014)
Num.Obs. 160 160 160
R2 1.000 1.000 1.000
R2 Adj. 1.000 1.000 1.000
AIC 1127.7 −1130.2 −1127.6
BIC 1146.2 −1099.5 −1096.9
Log.Lik. −557.874 575.109 573.808
F 5059140.593 157990.105 155442.975
RMSE 7.91 0.01 0.01
+ p < 0.1, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

Visualise means of the numeric variables

Model2$`Visual means of the numeric variable`

Fitted estimates

Model2$`Fitted plots long format`


Model2$`Prediction plots long format`

Significant plot

Model2$`Significant plot of Square root`

Performance and Diagnostic values

Model2$`Machine Learning Metrics`
Name Linear Square.root Cubic.root
Absolute Error 380 0.33 0.35
Absolute Percent Error 0.27 0.045 0.047
Accuracy 0 0 0
Adjusted R Square 1 1 1
Akaike’s Information Criterion AIC 1100 -1100 -1100
Allen’s Prediction Sum-Of-Squares (PRESS, P-Square) 0 0 0
Area under the ROC curve (AUC) 0 0 0
Average Precision at k 0 0 0
Bias 5e-15 1.1e-17 7.2e-17
Brier score 60 4e-05 4e-05
Classification Error 1 1 1
F1 Score 0 0 0
fScore 0 0 0
GINI Coefficient 1 1 1
kappa statistic 0 0 0
Log Loss Inf Inf Inf
Mallow’s cp 5 9 9
Matthews Correlation Coefficient 0 0 0
Mean Log Loss -210000 -260 -260
Mean Absolute Error 2.4 0.0021 0.0022
Mean Absolute Percent Error 0.0017 0.00028 0.00029
Mean Average Precision at k 0 0 0
Mean Absolute Scaled Error 0.00072 0.0031 0.0032
Median Absolute Error 0.55 0.00053 0.00064
Mean Squared Error 63 4.4e-05 4.5e-05
Mean Squared Log Error 4.9e-05 6.9e-07 7e-07
Model turning point error 0 0 0
Negative Predictive Value 0 0 0
Percent Bias 5.6e-05 -8.7e-07 -8.9e-07
Positive Predictive Value 0 0 0
Precision 0 0 0
R Square 1 1 1
Relative Absolute Error 0.00097 0.0042 0.0044
Recall NaN NaN NaN
Root Mean Squared Error 7.9 0.0066 0.0067
Root Mean Squared Log Error 0.007 0.00083 0.00083
Root Relative Squared Error 0.0028 0.011 0.011
Relative Squared Error 7.7e-06 0.00012 0.00012
Schwarz’s Bayesian criterion BIC 1100 -1100 -1100
Sensitivity 0 0 0
specificity 0 0 0
Squared Error 10000 0.0071 0.0072
Squared Log Error 0.0078 0.00011 0.00011
Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error 0.0017 0.00028 0.00029
Sum of Squared Errors 10000 0.0071 0.0072
True negative rate 0 0 0
True positive rate 0 0 0

Welcome to easy machine learning and models estimation!

Job Nmadu
Professor of Agricultural Economics and Dean, School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology

Research interests are economic efficiencies of small scale farming and welfare effects of agricultural interventions.

