Reveal the stories behind those Likert-type data


This blog is about two new functions, Model_factors and garrett_ranking that have been added to the Dyn4cast package. The two functions provides means for gaining deeper insights into the meaning behind Likert-type variables collected from respondents. Garrett ranking provides the ranks of the observations of the variables based on the level of seriousness attached to it by the respondents. On the other hand, Model factors determines and retrieve the latent factors inherent in such data which now becomes continuous data. The factors or data frame retrieved from the variables can be used in other analysis like regression and machine learning.

The two functions are part of factor analysis, essentially, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), used to unravel the underlying structure of the observed variables. The analysis also helps to reduce the complex structure by determining a smaller number of latent factors that sufficiently represent the variation in the observed variables. With EFA, no prior knowledge or hypothesis about the number or nature of the factors is assumed. These are great tools to help tell the story behind your data. The data used for Model_factors is prepared using fa.parallel and fa functions in the psych package. The interesting thing about these functions are their simplicity, and we still maintain the one line code technique.

The basic usage of the codes are:

garrett_ranking(data, num_rank, ranking = NULL, m_rank = c(2:15))

Data The data for the Garrett Ranking.

num_rank number of ranks applied to the data. If the data is a five-point Likert-type data, then number of ranks is 5.

Ranking A vector of list representing the ranks applied to the data. If not available, positional ranks are applied.

m_rank scope of ranking (2-15).

Model_factors(data = dat, DATA = Data)

data R object⁠ obtained from EFA using the fa function in psych package

DATA data.frame of the raw data used to obtain data object.

Let us go!

Load library


Garrett Ranking

ranking is supplied

garrett_data <- data.frame(garrett_data)
ranking <- c(
  "Serious constraint", "Constraint",
  "Not certain it is a constraint", "Not a constraint",
  "Not a serious constraint"

garrett_ranking(garrett_data, 5, ranking)
$`Data mean table`
   S/No Description      Mean Remark Rank
1     1          S1 14.758621  Above    1
2     2          S2  8.172414  Above    2
3     7          S7  7.034483  Above    3
4    13         S13  7.034483  Above    4
5     3          S3  5.965517  Above    5
6     9          S9  4.517241  Above    6
7    15         S15  4.517241  Above    7
8     6          S6  3.965517  Above    8
9    12         S12  3.965517  Above    9
10    5          S5  3.413793  Above   10
11   11         S11  3.413793  Above   11
12    4          S4  3.310345  Above   12
13   10         S10  3.310345  Above   13
14    8          S8  1.862069  Below   14
15   14         S14  1.862069  Below   15

$`Garrett value`
# A tibble: 5 × 4
  Number `Garrett point` `Garrett index` `Garrett value`
   <dbl>           <dbl>           <dbl>           <dbl>
1      1            3.33              15              85
2      2           10                 25              75
3      3           16.7               31              69
4      4           23.3               36              64
5      5           30                 40              60

$`Garrett ranked data`
   S/No Description Serious constraint Constraint
1     2          S2                  5          3
2     9          S9                  7          6
3    15         S15                  7          6
4     5          S5                 10          2
5    11         S11                 10          2
6     4          S4                  4          4
7    10         S10                  4          4
8     3          S3                  1          2
9     1          S1                  0          0
10    6          S6                  0          4
11   12         S12                  0          4
12    7          S7                  0          2
13   13         S13                  0          2
14    8          S8                  0          0
15   14         S14                  0          0
   Not certain it is a constraint Not a constraint Not a serious constraint
1                               2                2                        1
2                               0                5                        1
3                               0                5                        1
4                               8                5                        0
5                               8                5                        0
6                               6                7                        3
7                               6                7                        3
8                               5                5                        1
9                               2                1                        0
10                              6                5                        6
11                              6                5                        6
12                              0                2                        2
13                              0                2                        2
14                              5                2                       17
15                              5                2                       17
   Total Total Garrett Score Mean score Rank
1     13                 976   75.07692    1
2     19                1425   75.00000    2
3     19                1425   75.00000    3
4     25                1872   74.88000    4
5     25                1872   74.88000    5
6     24                1682   70.08333    6
7     24                1682   70.08333    7
8     14                 960   68.57143    8
9      3                 202   67.33333    9
10    21                1394   66.38095   10
11    21                1394   66.38095   11
12     6                 398   66.33333   12
13     6                 398   66.33333   13
14    24                1493   62.20833   14
15    24                1493   62.20833   15

ranking not supplied

garrett_ranking(garrett_data, 5)
$`Data mean table`
   S/No Description      Mean Remark Rank
1     1          S1 14.758621  Above    1
2     2          S2  8.172414  Above    2
3     7          S7  7.034483  Above    3
4    13         S13  7.034483  Above    4
5     3          S3  5.965517  Above    5
6     9          S9  4.517241  Above    6
7    15         S15  4.517241  Above    7
8     6          S6  3.965517  Above    8
9    12         S12  3.965517  Above    9
10    5          S5  3.413793  Above   10
11   11         S11  3.413793  Above   11
12    4          S4  3.310345  Above   12
13   10         S10  3.310345  Above   13
14    8          S8  1.862069  Below   14
15   14         S14  1.862069  Below   15

$`Garrett value`
# A tibble: 5 × 4
  Number `Garrett point` `Garrett index` `Garrett value`
   <dbl>           <dbl>           <dbl>           <dbl>
1      1            3.33              15              85
2      2           10                 25              75
3      3           16.7               31              69
4      4           23.3               36              64
5      5           30                 40              60

$`Garrett ranked data`
   S/No Description 1st Rank 2nd Rank 3rd Rank 4th Rank 5th Rank Total
1     2          S2        5        3        2        2        1    13
2     9          S9        7        6        0        5        1    19
3    15         S15        7        6        0        5        1    19
4     5          S5       10        2        8        5        0    25
5    11         S11       10        2        8        5        0    25
6     4          S4        4        4        6        7        3    24
7    10         S10        4        4        6        7        3    24
8     3          S3        1        2        5        5        1    14
9     1          S1        0        0        2        1        0     3
10    6          S6        0        4        6        5        6    21
11   12         S12        0        4        6        5        6    21
12    7          S7        0        2        0        2        2     6
13   13         S13        0        2        0        2        2     6
14    8          S8        0        0        5        2       17    24
15   14         S14        0        0        5        2       17    24
   Total Garrett Score Mean score Rank
1                  976   75.07692    1
2                 1425   75.00000    2
3                 1425   75.00000    3
4                 1872   74.88000    4
5                 1872   74.88000    5
6                 1682   70.08333    6
7                 1682   70.08333    7
8                  960   68.57143    8
9                  202   67.33333    9
10                1394   66.38095   10
11                1394   66.38095   11
12                 398   66.33333   12
13                 398   66.33333   13
14                1493   62.20833   14
15                1493   62.20833   15

you can rank subset of the data

garrett_ranking(garrett_data, 8)
$`Data mean table`
   S/No Description      Mean Remark Rank
1     1          S1 14.758621  Above    1
2     2          S2  8.172414  Above    2
3     7          S7  7.034483  Above    3
4    13         S13  7.034483  Above    4
5     3          S3  5.965517  Above    5
6     9          S9  4.517241  Above    6
7    15         S15  4.517241  Above    7
8     6          S6  3.965517  Below    8
9    12         S12  3.965517  Below    9
10    5          S5  3.413793  Below   10
11   11         S11  3.413793  Below   11
12    4          S4  3.310345  Below   12
13   10         S10  3.310345  Below   13
14    8          S8  1.862069  Below   14
15   14         S14  1.862069  Below   15

$`Garrett value`
# A tibble: 8 × 4
  Number `Garrett point` `Garrett index` `Garrett value`
   <dbl>           <dbl>           <dbl>           <dbl>
1      1            3.33              15              85
2      2           10                 25              75
3      3           16.7               31              69
4      4           23.3               36              64
5      5           30                 40              60
6      6           36.7               43              57
7      7           43.3               47              53
8      8           50                 50              50

$`Garrett ranked data`
   S/No Description 1st Rank 2nd Rank 3rd Rank 4th Rank 5th Rank 6th Rank
1     7          S7        4        2        2        0        2        0
2    13         S13        4        2        2        0        2        0
3     2          S2        2        0        2        5        3        2
4     9          S9        0        4        4        7        6        0
5    15         S15        0        4        4        7        6        0
6     3          S3        1        3        4        1        2        5
7     5          S5        0        1        0       10        2        8
8    11         S11        0        1        0       10        2        8
9     4          S4        0        1        3        4        4        6
10   10         S10        0        1        3        4        4        6
11    6          S6        0        1        1        0        4        6
12   12         S12        0        1        1        0        4        6
13    1          S1        0        0        0        0        0        2
14    8          S8        1        0        0        0        0        5
15   14         S14        1        0        0        0        0        5
   7th Rank 8th Rank Total Total Garrett Score Mean score Rank
1         2        2    14                 954   68.14286    1
2         2        2    14                 954   68.14286    2
3         2        1    17                1078   63.41176    3
4         5        1    27                1699   62.92593    4
5         5        1    27                1699   62.92593    5
6         5        1    22                1370   62.27273    6
7         5        0    26                1556   59.84615    7
8         5        0    26                1556   59.84615    8
9         7        3    28                1641   58.60714    9
10        7        3    28                1641   58.60714   10
11        5        6    23                1291   56.13043   11
12        5        6    23                1291   56.13043   12
13        1        0     3                 167   55.66667   13
14        2       17    25                1326   53.04000   14
15        2       17    25                1326   53.04000   15
garrett_ranking(garrett_data, 4)
$`Data mean table`
   S/No Description      Mean Remark Rank
1     1          S1 14.758621  Above    1
2     2          S2  8.172414  Above    2
3     7          S7  7.034483  Above    3
4    13         S13  7.034483  Above    4
5     3          S3  5.965517  Above    5
6     9          S9  4.517241  Above    6
7    15         S15  4.517241  Above    7
8     6          S6  3.965517  Above    8
9    12         S12  3.965517  Above    9
10    5          S5  3.413793  Above   10
11   11         S11  3.413793  Above   11
12    4          S4  3.310345  Above   12
13   10         S10  3.310345  Above   13
14    8          S8  1.862069  Below   14
15   14         S14  1.862069  Below   15

$`Garrett value`
# A tibble: 4 × 4
  Number `Garrett point` `Garrett index` `Garrett value`
   <dbl>           <dbl>           <dbl>           <dbl>
1      1            3.33              15              85
2      2           10                 25              75
3      3           16.7               31              69
4      4           23.3               36              64

$`Garrett ranked data`
   S/No Description 1st Rank 2nd Rank 3rd Rank 4th Rank Total
1     9          S9        6        0        5        1    12
2    15         S15        6        0        5        1    12
3     2          S2        3        2        2        1     8
4     5          S5        2        8        5        0    15
5    11         S11        2        8        5        0    15
6     3          S3        2        5        5        1    13
7     4          S4        4        6        7        3    20
8    10         S10        4        6        7        3    20
9     1          S1        0        2        1        0     3
10    7          S7        2        0        2        2     6
11   13         S13        2        0        2        2     6
12    6          S6        4        6        5        6    21
13   12         S12        4        6        5        6    21
14    8          S8        0        5        2       17    24
15   14         S14        0        5        2       17    24
   Total Garrett Score Mean score Rank
1                  919   76.58333    1
2                  919   76.58333    2
3                  607   75.87500    3
4                 1115   74.33333    4
5                 1115   74.33333    5
6                  954   73.38462    6
7                 1465   73.25000    7
8                 1465   73.25000    8
9                  219   73.00000    9
10                 436   72.66667   10
11                 436   72.66667   11
12                1519   72.33333   12
13                1519   72.33333   13
14                1601   66.70833   14
15                1601   66.70833   15

Latent Variables Recovery

Data <- Quicksummary
GGn <- names(Data)
GG <- ncol(Data)
GGx <- c(paste0("x0", 1:9), paste("x", 10:ncol(Data), sep = ""))
names(Data) <- GGx
lll <- fa.parallel(Data, fm = "minres", fa = "fa")

Parallel analysis suggests that the number of factors =  5  and the number of components =  NA 
dat <- fa(Data, nfactors = lll[["nfact"]], rotate = "varimax", fm = "minres")

DD <- Model_factors(data = dat, DATA = Data)

    MR1    MR2    MR3    MR5    MR4   
x11  0.513                            
x12  0.611                            
x13  0.559                            
x20  0.556                            
x24  0.617                       0.527
x25  0.718                            
x26  0.595                            
x01         0.625                     
x02         0.783                0.541
x10         0.631                     
x28        -0.610                     
x04                0.740              
x05                0.792              
x06                0.720              
x08                0.594         0.452
x17                       0.667       
x18                       0.527       
x19                       0.592       
x03                              0.523
x07                       0.417       
x09                       0.403       
x15  0.480                            
x21  0.492                            
x22                              0.481
x23        -0.440                0.499
x27                              0.465

                 MR1   MR2   MR3   MR5   MR4
SS loadings    3.854 2.895 2.786 2.441 2.203
Proportion Var 0.133 0.100 0.096 0.084 0.076
Cumulative Var 0.133 0.233 0.329 0.413 0.489
  MR1 loading
1 x11   0.513
2 x12   0.611
3 x13   0.559
4 x20   0.556
6 x25   0.718
7 x26   0.595
8 x15   0.480
9 x21   0.492
  MR3 loading
1 x04   0.740
2 x05   0.792
3 x06   0.720
  MR5 loading
1 x17   0.667
2 x18   0.527
3 x19   0.592
4 x07   0.417
5 x09   0.403
# A tibble: 103 × 5
     MR1   MR2   MR3   MR4   MR5
   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1  16.7  6.28  2.99 11.2  10.4 
 2  18.6  6.28  2.99  9.76 10.4 
 3  16.3  3.23  2.99 11.5   9.22
 4  16.7  6.28  2.99 11.2  10.4 
 5  18.1  5.65  2.99 11.2  10.4 
 6  18.1  6.28  2.99 11.2  10.4 
 7  19.1  6.28  2.25 11.2   9.22
 8  18.1  5.65  2.99 11.2  10.4 
 9  18.1  5.65  2.99 11.2  10.4 
10  19.1  6.28  2.25 11.2   9.22
# ℹ 93 more rows

Welcome to the world of Data Science and easy Machine Learning!

Job Nmadu
Professor of Agricultural Economics and Dean, School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology

Research interests are economic efficiencies of small scale farming and welfare effects of agricultural interventions.

